Turpentine bath (Zalmanov method)

Turpentine bath (Zalmanov method)

  • from yellow emulsion: the active substances of turpentine, penetrating into the skin, accelerate blood moving through the vessels, which improves delivering the necessary nutrients to each cell of the body  and at the same time activates the removal of decay products. Regular procedures result in normalizing the heart rate and strengthening the heart muscle, improving metabolism in muscle, bone and cartilage and nervous tissues, decreasing the inflammatory processes in the bronchi, pelvis and some other organs, reducing the blood pressure;
  • from white  emulsion: the active substance increases blood pressure, improves blood circulation in the limbs and in all internal organs. This results in eliminating such unpleasant feelings as cramps of the calf muscles, chilly limbs, muscle pain associated with increased physical activity. The nutrition of the articular surfaces and muscles improves, and muscle "laxity" vanishes. The active substances of the white turpentine emulsion contribute to the activation of metabolism, increase the elasticity of connective tissue and muscles, improve joint mobility, as well as slow down the progression of osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease.